Chinese Translation of Dr. Marc Bekoff's Hierarchy of Dog Needs Interview

Thanks to Ji Min of the HIGO Canine Welfare Charity Project for providing a Chinese translation of Animal Behavior expert Dr. Marc Bekoff's Psychology Today article with Linda Michaels, M.A., Psychology. This article discusses the Hierarchy of Dog Needs® and Do No Harm Dog TrainingTM from a scientific view. 狗狗需求金字塔:当亚伯拉罕·马斯洛遇上小狗Linda Michaels' dog training stresses gentle care, rewards, and choiceLinda Michaels的犬行为训练强调温柔的照料、奖励和选择作者:Marc Bekoff发表于2017年5月31日Abraham Maslow goes to the dogs马斯洛需求层次理论在犬类中的延伸I recently read about Linda Michaels' Hierarchy of Dog Needs (HDN) and was very impressed with her "positive training" approach to working with dogs and their humans. As Ms. Michaels notes below, "The HDN is supported by scientific evidence and makes no apologies for embracing protective ethics concerning our beloved dogs. The No Shock, No Prong, No Choke logo is loud and clear."我近期读了Linda Michaels的狗狗需求金字塔(Hierarchy of Dog Needs®,HDN),她对待狗和主人的“正向训练”方法给我留下了深刻的印象。正如Michaels女士所说,“狗狗需求金字塔有科学证据的支持,亦极力倡导保护我们心爱的狗儿们的伦理准则。拒绝使用电击、刺链、P链的标示明确而清晰。”I reached out to Ms. Michaels because I wanted to learn more about the background and application of her Hierarchy of Dog Needs, and was thrilled that she could take the time to answer a few questions. Our interview went as follows.我联系了Michaels女士,因为我想了解更多关于她的狗狗需求金字塔的背景和应用。很高兴她花时间回答了一些问题,我们的访谈如下Why did you develop the Hierarchy of Dog Needs®?你为什么要创建狗狗需求金字塔®?My compassion for animals and my passion for studying and teaching dog behavior compelled me to create a dog wellness and training infographic embedded with an ethical code. I’m on a mission to improve the well-being and happiness of our dogs by educating pet parents and providing pet professionals with a teaching tool focused on dogs’ real needs and non-punitive training methods that they can easily access and explain to their clients and followers. The Hierarchy of Dog Needs (HDN) was created for our dogs who cannot speak for themselves, and for the people who love them.我对动物的恻隐之心以及对研究及教授犬行为的热情,促使我创建了这个关于犬类身心健康和训练体系的信息图表,并将我倡导的道德准则嵌入其中。我的使命是通过教育宠物主人,以及向宠物行业从业者提供一个他们可以轻松理解、并向他们的客户和粉丝解释的,关于狗的真实需求和非惩罚性训练方法的教学工具,从而达到增进狗狗福利和幸福感的目的。狗狗需求金字塔是为不能为自己说话的狗儿创建的,也是为了爱他们的人类创建的。The concept of the Hierarchy of Dog Needs as a holistic system of care was brewing within me for many years. My disappointment and frustration with the dog training field’s direction toward shock collars and other punitive methods inspired me to sit down and finally figure out how get the ideas into a visual form. I dreamt about it a lot too! We need a straightforward, force-free/Do No Harm alternative to the existing teaching paradigms in the unregulated dog training industry. The HDN is supported by scientific evidence and makes no apologies for embracing protective ethics concerning our beloved dogs. The No Shock, No Prong, No Choke logo is loud and clear.狗狗需求金字塔的概念,作为一种全面的照料体系,在我心中酝酿多年。我对犬训练领域中使用的电击及其他惩罚性方法感到非常失望,这促使我坐下来思考,如何将这些概念变成一种可视的形式。这令我魂牵梦系!我们需要一个直观的、无压迫/不伤害的体系,以替代不规范的犬训练行业中现有的教学模式。狗狗需求金字塔有科学证据的支持,亦极力倡导保护我们心爱的狗儿们的伦理准则。拒绝使用电击、刺链、P链的标示明确而清晰。I found myself in what I felt to be a unique position of responsibility to speak out on behalf of the dogs. My academic background in experimental psychology and learning, graduate training in behavioral neurobiology, plus hands-on experience training dogs and wolfdogs, prepared and inspired me to create a one-page teaching tool in the form of a hand-out that would be easy-to-understand and easy-to-use for all.我认为我自己身处一个有责任代表狗狗发言的独特位置。我在实验心理学和行为神经生物学方面的学术背景,以及训练狗和狼狗的实践经验,使我有能力去创造一个易于理解和易于使用的单页形式的教学工具。

Can you please briefly summarize them?你能简单地总结一下吗?The Hierarchy of Dog Needs (HDN) is a novel adaptation of renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of (human) Needs that emphasizes strengths, positivity, free will/choice, and a belief in the wholeness of animal nature. Research shows that when biological needs, safety, and belongingness needs for social animals are met, they are far less likely to display abnormal behavior.狗狗需求金字塔是著名心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛的(人类)需求层次理论的一种新颖的改编,强调内在力量、正向、自由意志/选择及对动物本能完整性的信仰。研究表明,当社会性动物的生理需求、安全和归属需求得到满足时,他们不太可能表现出异常行为。

Biological Needs 生理需求Our dogs’ Biological Needs are the foundational base for a happy and healthy life. The use of choke and prong collars exacerbate breathing problems, particularly in our brachycephalic breeds, and may cause medical injury to the trachea, which is essential to breathing. The HDN includes Gentle Grooming and Gentle Veterinary Care as essential biological health needs. Force-free training and fear-free veterinary and grooming care go hand in hand. Positive interaction between these professionals and our dogs is critical to their emotional and physical fitness.狗狗的生理需求是他们快乐和健康生活的基础。使用P链和刺链会加剧呼吸问题,尤其是对短吻品种,并且可能会导致对气管的物理性伤害。狗狗需求金字塔将温和的照料及温和的就医体验作为基础的生理健康需求,而无压迫训练和无恐惧的就医及美容护理是相辅相成的。这些专业人士和我们的狗狗之间的正向互动,对他们的情绪和身体健康至关重要。

Emotional Needs 情感需求Psychological and emotional health is every bit as important as physical health. Physical and emotional wellness go hand-in-hand. The insight that dogs lead rich emotional lives can be traced back to Charles Darwin who believed that all animals experience pleasure and pain, happiness and sadness…and fear. Today scientists and researchers, such as yourself, the late Jaak Panksepp and Karen Overall, provide evidence that this is indeed so. In The Emotional Lives of Animals, you tell us, “It’s bad biology to argue against the existence of animal emotions."心理和情绪健康与身体健康一样重要,缺一不可。关于狗具有丰富的情感世界的理论可以上溯至达尔文,他认为所有的动物都能体验喜悦和痛苦、快乐和悲伤……以及恐惧。而今时今日,科学家和研究者,比如您本人、Jaak Panksepp(已故)和Karen Overall都已经证明确实如此。在《动物的情感世界》一书中,您告诉我们:“否认动物情绪的存在是糟糕的生物科学。”It is our job to teach our dogs that the world is a safe place. The need for a sense of Security and protection from danger is basic to all mammals. The need to establish and maintain Trust with our dogs could not be more important to their emotional health. Sadly, Trust once broken, damages the relationship and is often irreparable. The HDN includes Love as an emotional need: Love is an action word. Taking care to attend to our dog’s emotional needs nurtures the relationship between pet parent and pet and helps prevent behavior problems. Assessing our dogs emotional and Trust levels often leads to a better understanding of fearful or aggressive behavior. The need for Benevolent Leadership, as opposed to dominance tactics, is imperative for a sense of security, trust, and love to grow.教我们的狗狗这个世界是安全的,是我们的责任。所有的哺乳动物都需要安全感和远离危险、被保护的感觉。与我们的狗建立和维持信任对他们的情绪健康来说至关重要。可悲的是,信任一旦破裂,关系的破坏往往是无法挽回的。狗狗需求金字塔将视为一种情感需求:爱是一个动词。照顾好狗的情感需求,有助于巩固毛孩子家长和毛孩子之间的关系,并预防行为问题。评估狗的情绪和信任水平,通常会帮助我们更好地理解恐惧或攻击行为。对友善的领导者的需求,而非统治和支配,对于安全感、信任和爱的发展来说是必不可少的。

Social Needs社交需求Dogs are social creatures, just as we are. Social bonding with humans and other dogs are skills that should be guided and encouraged, ideally from a very early age through two-way non-threatening interactions. The expectation that our dogs should be social butterflies is unrealistic because animals typically compete for resources. Play has numerous important roles in behavioral development and should be encouraged.就像我们一样,狗是社交生物。与人类及其他犬类的社交连接是应该被引导和鼓励的技能,最好是从很小的时候开始,通过双向、无威胁的友善互动来培养。但是,期待我们的狗狗成为交际花是不现实的,因为动物通常会为资源竞争。游戏在行为发展中扮演着许多重要的角色,应予以鼓励。The risk of developing behavioral problems from the lack of proper, early, and continuing frequent socialization opportunities is now known to be significant.众所周知,缺乏适当的早期、持续社会化体验,导致行为问题的风险非常大。

Cognition认知The cognitive exercise of choice, problem-solving, and experiencing novelty at home and in the environment caps our pyramid.在家庭及外部环境中进行选择、解决问题和体验新奇的认知练习位于我们金字塔的顶部。

Force-Free Training Needs无压迫训练需求Once we have insured that the foundational needs are met, the Hierarchy describes the behavior modification methods that “force-free” behavior modification consultants and trainers advocate. These techniques are used to increase, decrease, and redirect behavior and change emotional response. Being nice to your dog is good science.一旦我们保证了基本需求被满足,狗狗需求金字塔描述了“无压迫”行为调整咨询师和训练师倡导的行为调整方法。这些方法被用来增加、减少和转移行为,以及改变情绪反应。对你的狗好,是很棒的科学。We nurture and develop social skills and confidence in our dogs by meeting all of our dog’s real needs. We set the stage for optimal well-being by using force-free training, as opposed to instilling fear and thereby potentiating aggression.通过满足狗的所有真实需求,我们培养和发展他们的社交技能和自信心。我们通过无压迫训练来为他们的最佳福祉创造平台,而不是灌输恐惧,从而加剧他们的攻击性。

Why do you think your hierarchy will make the lives of dogs better?为什么你认为狗狗需求金字塔会让狗的生活更好?There is an increasingly strong dog-human bond in our society and it makes sense that a more dog-friendly dog-needs paradigm was developed. Too often basic needs are not met or are under met. Do No Harm training will make dog lives better because it is more effective, safer, has longer lasting effects, and moreover, is truly dog-friendly compared to punitive training.在我们的社会中,人与狗之间的连接越来越紧密,因此开发出一种更“狗狗友善”的狗需求范例是有意义的。我发现,狗的基本需求往往没有得到满足,或仅部分得到满足。“不伤害的”训练会让狗狗的生活更美好,因为它更有效、更安全、更持久,而且与惩罚性训练相比,对狗狗更友善。The Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Manual lists the many ways various professionals can use it in their practice. For example: Posting a laminated copy of the HDN infographic on the gate to each and every shelter kennel helps remind everyone who enters what to do and how to do it force-free. A copy of the HDN infographic can be inserted in the take-home packets for each foster parent and used to educate shelter staff. It has been used in speaker presentations and lectures in local humane societies as well as at veterinary conferences.《“不伤害的”犬训练和行为手册》列出了各种专业人员可以在实践中使用它的方法。例如,在每个收容所的大门口张贴狗狗需求金字塔的海报,有助于提醒每个进入的人该做什么,以及如何进行无压迫的操作。狗狗需求金字塔可以被打印出来插入每个寄养家庭的指引手册中,并用于教育收容所的工作人员。它已被用在了社区人道协会以及兽医论坛等的演讲、讲课中。There is a cry from rescue and shelter facilities to veterinary offices, for a new understanding of how we can successfully modify behavior without physical or psychological harm to the dogs. My hope is that The Hierarchy of Dog Needs might speak in some way to every dog, every pet-related professional, and every pet parent.救助和收容机构也好,宠物医生也好,都有非常强烈的需求,希望能够了解我们如何在不对狗造成身体或心理伤害的前提下,调整狗的行为。我的希望是,狗狗需求金字塔能够以某种方式传达到每一只狗、每一个宠物相关的专业人员以及每一位宠物家长。

How can dog guardians use them from day-to-day?狗狗的监护人如何在日常工作中使用它们?Anyone who interacts with or studies dogs, or any animal for that matter, can use it successfully everyday. The HDN lists dog needs hierarchically and methods of behavior modification as mix-and-match. I encourage the choice of any or all of the training methods used in any order, dependent on the situation and context.任何与狗或其他动物打交道或从事相关研究的人,都可以每天使用它。狗狗需求金字塔列出了犬类需求的层次结构,以及可以进行混搭的行为调整方法。我建议根据情况和背景,选择几种或所有的训练方法。The Hierarchy of Dog Needs force-free training methods may be used for both the most common behavioral problems and the most difficult ones, such as housetraining, excessive barking, jumping, separation anxiety fear, dog-dog aggression, human aggression, resource guarding, and more. It can help to identify the primary, secondary and other problems affecting the dog and help guide the path of training.狗狗需求金字塔中的无压迫训练方法可以被用于最常见的行为问题以及最困难的行为问题,例如室内训练、过度吠叫、扑人、分离焦虑恐惧、狗与狗的攻击性、对人类的攻击性、资源保护等。它可以帮助确定影响狗的主要、次要和其他因素,并协助制定训练路径。Once basic needs are met, a pet parent with dog who jumps on guests, for example, can use Management to contain their dog in the kitchen with a baby-gate away from the guest so the opportunity to jump on the guest is not possible. They can then toss treats on the floor using Counter-conditioning and Desensitization to help their dog calm down in the face of new people in the house. Later, if safe, the guest can approach the dog and ask the dog to sit, providing Differential Reinforcement to help extinguish jumping while reinforcing sitting.一旦基本的需求被满足,举个例子,家里的狗会扑客人的毛孩子家长,可以使用“管理”的方法将狗放在有婴儿门的厨房里,这样他就不可能有机会扑客人。然后,他们可以在地上扔零食,使用反制约脱敏,来帮助他们的狗在客人面前冷静下来。后续,如果安全,客人可以接近狗并要求狗坐下,使用差别强化来减少跳起、加强坐下。

How has the hierarchy been received?狗狗需求金字塔得到的反馈如何?It has received a very positive and warm response from the dog loving community. The Hierarchy of Dog Needs is in use by veterinary behaviorists, integrative and holistic veterinarians, dog trainers of all stripes (including working-dog and police-dog trainers), gentle groomers, shelters, rescues, foster pet parents, dog walkers and pet sitters, animal welfare advocates, service dog organizations, in college and master’s level thesis papers, as well as by pet parents. It has been translated into French by Dr. Simon Gadbois, and we have received requests for more translations from our international friends and partners. Dr. Katrina Ward, DVM and behavior specialist, presented the HDN to the Australian Veterinary Association conference, saying, “The Hierarchy of Dog Needs was very well received and hopefully will be taken up as a routine method of assessing needs and applying humane behavior modification.” Dr. Lynn Honeckman, DVM and behavior specialist in Orlando, uses the HDN to teach pre-vet students and at “Lunch and Learns” to veterinary clinic presentations. Everyone from national crisis response manual writers to goat dancing trainers are using it!它受到爱狗群体非常积极和热烈的回应。目前在使用狗狗需求金字塔的,包括兽医行为学家、综合和全科兽医、训练师(包括工作犬和警犬训练师)、温和的美容师、收容所、救助机构、宠物寄养家庭、遛狗者和宠物保姆、动物福利倡导者、服务犬组织、大学和硕士论文,以及毛孩子家长。它已由Simon Gadbois博士翻译成了法语,并且我们收到了来自更多的国际友人和合作伙伴的翻译请求。临床兽医博士和行为学专家Katrina Ward向澳大利亚兽医协会介绍了狗狗需求金字塔,她说:“狗狗需求金字塔得到了很好的反响,希望它可以成为评估需求和实行人性化行为调整的常态化方法。”Lynn Honeckman,奥兰多的临床兽医博士和行为学专家使用狗狗需求金字塔教授预科学生,并在“Lunch and Learns”中向兽医诊所进行了普及。从国家危机应对手册编写者到山羊舞训练师,每个人都在使用它!By design, the Hierarchy encourages force-free professionals to refer to and support other force-free professionals for the well-being of the whole dog. It also asks both pet parents and pet professionals to look to science for guidance from experts in animal behavior such as yourself and Dr. Gadbois -- experts who are quoted on the HDN and whose words are an important feature of the guide.按照我的构思,为全体狗狗的福祉考虑,狗狗需求金字塔鼓励倡导“无压迫”的专业人士互相支持。同时,它还建议毛孩子家长和宠物从业人员向您以及Gadbois博士这样的动物行为专家寻求科学的指导,你们的至理名言被狗狗需求金字塔所引用,也是构成金字塔指引的重要组成部分。

Is there anything else you would like to share with readers?你还有什么想与读者分享?Oh yes! I believe we need to strengthen our animal welfare laws and increase penalties for dog abuse and neglect, and increase regulation in the field of dog training in order to ensure trainer competency and Do No Harm ethics for our dogs. We call on scientists, legislators, celebrities and all dog lovers to take a stand to prevent both physical and psychological harm to our pets and help create the cultural change we need to provide a truly dog-friendly environment for our beloved pets.哦,是的!我认为我们需要加强我们的动物福利法律,加大对虐待和失职的惩罚力度,并加强犬训练领域的管理,以确保训练师的能力和“不伤害的”道德准则。我们呼吁科学家、立法者、知名人士和所有爱狗人士站出来,反对从身体和心理上伤害我们宠物的行为,并帮助我们推动文化变革,为我们心爱的宠物提供一个真正的“狗狗友善”的环境。

What are some of your future projects?你未来的项目有哪些?I have recently released the Amazon Best Seller, The Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Handbook Featuring the Hierarchy of Dog Needs. The handbook was initially designed as my own personal guide for teaching basic manners classes, and evolved into a reference manual for my private behavior consultations which is now a book. This book includes many of my published articles and also introduces the Hierarchy of Dog Needs as a training tool for animal lovers. It is my hope that it sheds light on some of the mysteries of dog behavior while providing practical step-by-step protocols and bullet-point explanations of things pet parents need to know. It was written with love for the heartbeats at our feet.我最近发布了以狗狗需求金字塔为基础的《“不伤害的”犬训练和行为手册》 。该手册最初是我自己教授基本行为课程时使用的教学指导,目前已发展成为我的私人行为咨询中使用的参考手册。手册中包括了我发表过的许多文章,并且将狗狗需求金字塔作为一种训练工具介绍给爱狗群体。我希望它能揭示一些狗的行为奥秘,同时向毛孩子家长提供他们必须掌握的实用步骤和重点解释。它书写的是对我们脚边的小生命的热爱。Currently, I’m working on the fully scientifically cited Hierarchy of Dog Needs Handbook that I hope to have on the shelves within the year, and consulting on serious behavior cases in my private practice.目前,我正在编写《狗狗需求金字塔手册》,完全经科学论证的,希望在年内上架,同时,也在就一些严重的行为案例进行咨询。

Thank you so much Linda, for taking the time to answer these questions and to tell readers about your positive approach to working with dogs and their humans. Dogs are constantly being challenged, and many are highly stressed, as they try to adapt to a human-dominated world. They need all the help they can get to learn how to coexist with other dogs and their humans. As you say, nothing is lost, and everything is gained, by being nice to your dog and by paying very close attention to what each and every individual needs.非常感谢Linda花时间回答这些问题,并告诉读者你对待狗和他们的主人的正向方法。狗不断受到挑战,许多狗压力都很大,因为他们试图适应由人主宰的世界。他们需要他们所能得到的一切帮助,来学习如何与其他狗及人类共存。正如你所说的,如果我们对狗很好,并且非常关注他的每一项具体需求,我们并不会失去任何东西,反而会得到一切。

Linda Michaels, author and speaker, creator of the Hierarchy of Dog Needs, was recently rated one of the top ten dog trainers in the United States, by Top Ten Magazine. Linda holds a master’s degree in Experimental Psychology (With Honors) and conducted laboratory research in behavioral neurobiology, earning the University Scholar Award from the Psychology Department of San Diego State University. Linda’s unique combination of scientific training and hands-on experience with dogs and wolfdogs creates a bridge between the worlds of research, dog trainers, and pet parents. Linda is a certified fear, aggression, and reactivity consultant, who focuses on both the behavioral and psychological aspects of dog behavior that often mirror human psychological conditions, such as fear, separation/attachment disorders, and aggression. She also teaches clients about animal wellness and understanding what makes dogs thrive. 狗狗需求金字塔的创建者,最近被《Top Ten Magazine》评选为美国十大犬训练师之一。Linda拥有应用心理学硕士学位(荣誉学位),并在行为神经生物学领域进行实验研究,获得了圣地亚哥州立大学心理学系授予的大学学者奖。Linda的科学研究以及和狗、狼狗训练的实践经验的独特结合,为科研界、犬训练师和宠物家长之间创造了桥梁。Linda是一名经认证的犬行为咨询师,她关注狗的行为中反应人类心理状况的行为学和心理学表现,例如恐惧、分离焦虑、攻击等。她还教授客户关于动物福利,以及如何使狗生活得更好。她的私人执业主要服务于南加州拉霍亚到比佛利山庄的客户。

Marc Bekoff, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and co-founder with Jane Goodall of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. He has won many awards for his scientific research including the Exemplar Award from the Animal Behavior Society and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Marc has published more than 1000 essays, 30 books, and has edited three encyclopedias.Marc Bekoff博士是科罗拉多大学博尔德分校生态学与进化生物学荣誉退休教授,美国认知动物行为学家先驱之一,与动物行为学家Jane Goodall一起成立了善待动物组织。他因其科学研究获得了许多奖项,其中包括动物行为学会模范奖和古根海姆基金会会士。Marc已出版超过1000篇论文、30本书,并编辑了三部百科全书。Marc Bekoff’s latest books are Jasper’s Story: Saving Moon Bears (with Jill Robinson); Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Compassionate Conservation; Why Dogs Hump and Bees Get Depressed: The Fascinating Science of Animal Intelligence, Emotions, Friendship, and Conservation; Rewilding Our Hearts: Building Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence; The Jane Effect: Celebrating Jane Goodall (edited with Dale Peterson); and The Animals’ Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age (with Jessica Pierce). Canine Confidential will be published in early 2018. Marc's homepage is Bekoff最新的几本著作包括:《Jasper’s Story: Saving Moon Bears》(与珍妮古道尔共同撰写)、《Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Compassionate Conservation》、《Why Dogs Hump and Bees Get Depressed: The Fascinating Science of Animal Intelligence, Emotions, Friendship, and Conservation》、《Rewilding Our Hearts: Building Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence》、《The Jane Effect: Celebrating Jane Goodall》(与Dale Peterson共同编写)、《The Animals’ Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age》(与Jessica Pierce共同撰写)。《Canine Confidential》已在2018年出版。Marc的个人主页是。原文链接:了解更多关于《“不伤害的”犬训练和行为手册》:狗狗需求金字塔官方主页:翻译:白晓@海狗HiGO审稿:Q酱非常荣幸得到Marc Bekoff博士的认可和支持,本文已获得Marc Bekoff博士授权翻译,欢迎转发,转载请联系申请。

Learn more about separation anxiety and its treatment in The Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Handbook.